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10th AFSL 2017

Theme: "Jesus, His Life and Teachings"

Panel of Speakers

Panel of Speakers
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

Four Seas Students and Alumni

Chapel Day 1
Chapel Day 2
fsc alumni
fsc alumni2
fsc alumni w sis chin

Overseas Brethren and Visitors

Klang church of Christ

Klang church of Christ

Johnson Family

Visiting brethren from Indonesia: Johnson family (Marty, Seth, Julie, Sarah) from Jogyakarta COC Eveline Surbakti (Sunter COC, Jakarta) (middle)

brethren from phil

Brethren from Philippines

breathren from malaysia

Brethren from Malaysia


Brethren from Kota Kemuning church of Christ, Malaysia

visitors from vietnam

Visitors from Vietnam with FSC Alumni (second from right)


Skudai church of Christ


Carol Pillow, Benton Harbor, MI Leanna Coats, Morehead, KY


Jim and Janis Dearman

johngrubb.chestnut mountain coc

Bro John Grubb, Chestnut Mountain church of Christ

preachers from phil

Preachers from Philippines

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